Sunday, January 30, 2011

Filipina giving birth in Germany


The idea of giving birth in Germany for an alien like me is really the last thing i would do. it would be best to give birth in my homeland Philippines where i am comfortable with all my relatives especially mom around. but circumstances gave me no choice. so when i was 8-months preggy with my baby,i was on a flight going to Germany.that way the best choice for my hubby so he can be present when i give birth,and for my my baby and her german citizenship.
So when i arrived, my hubby immediately looked for an ob-gynecologist(frauenartz as they call them) nearby. and so we got someone whose clinic is just 5 minutes away from our house.and that someone is a 'HE'...yes, you got it right,my ob-gynecologist is in the opposite sex and worst is i must see him once a week so he can check it down there regularly hehe. as much as my hubby would want me to be comfortable, woman ob-gynecologist in Germany is not common.

for weeks,i was able to feel at ease with him though. the doctor's clinic is not really a typical one you see in Pinas( i was saying this as a comparison to my first and second trimester doctor's visit in Pinas). when we got in, we were immediately greeted with their staff. and they checked if we have an appointment.unlike in Pinas,here they are particular with time and your scheduled it means you don't have to spend the whole day there waiting for your name to be called. Then whey have checked that we indeed have an appointment,they let us  go to the waiting area where cozy seats,huge aquarium,reading materials and some clients greeted us. it is usual here to greet everyone (example, Guten Morgen which means Good Morning) even if you don't know them. Their clinic also has its own it means,urinalysis,baby scan,heartbeat monitoring and all others are done in one same place.

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