Saturday, January 29, 2011

my first time to step on a German ground

Last June 13,2010, i arrived in Frankfurt, Germany with 3 kinds of baggages along with me. First was the checked-in baggage,second was the one i handcarried,and the third and the most important was the 8-month old baby inside my tummy. It was not an easy flight for me,aside from being pregnant,leaving everyone i know for 30 years behind was the saddest thing that i did.But because of the reality that i got married to 'the' German that i fell in love with.
And so i arrived in Germany at 6 in the morning of that specific day. For a first-timer in a foreign land,Germany airport is realllllly different,i can really spell DIFFERENT in big letters from where i come from. I can really say that i am the 'ignorante' pinay roaming around.hehehe.My husband was really amused.Here is why:
1) The temperature is way too cold, it is like when you are in Pinas and you are in SM or in Ayala.
2) Doors will open by themselves for you, everywhere even in the toilet.
3) Most signs are written in German,god help me.
4) No one is speaking english,god help me more.
5) You cannot see security guards around.
6) Everyone is busy and no one seems to care about you and what you are doing.
7) And we get to ride the longest,fastest train i have ever seen.

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